This is to inform all admirers of the versatile genius Muktiprakash Roy that he has recently (14 July, 2008) accomplished an almost Humayunish feat by falling from stairs and experienced a fragmentation of right patella. The fall, which could have been a tragic one, was, still, due to hamartia, i.e. he had slippers on, which, as their name suggests, have a propensity to slip. Thus, his slippers slipped on the stairs, made slippery all the more by the rainwater running down them. Perhaps there was hubris as well, since the almost-tragic hero had thought conceitedly that he could tackle such a hostile consolidation of fatal forces against him. So, having undergone an operation on 15 July, he now rests at his own Dwaipayan, like Duryodhan, with a postmodern smile of defiance on his chubby face.
A Johnsonese description of the downfall!
Wow! this is more than I learnt in a whole semester of Greek drama..
Good experience……one should have at least once in his life…..especially a writer who deals with emotions and pains of human life……haa...haa...love you...
@shoma: thank u!!! :)
A Fall greater than that of the Berlin wall or the soviet reign of Communism. N what stoical acceptance................A Stuff such geek(no spelling mistake) heroes are made of.
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