How many seas must a small boat sail, before she sleeps in the sand? Now, I hope Bob Dylan won't mind if I tamper with his lines a little. Let's call it 'personalising Dylan', eh? I found this boat at Taalsaari, a seaside tourist spot near Digha, where the Bengalis go to booze and die in the sea, or to have some quick illicit f**k. My visit was a relief from a hectic schedule. So, I couldn't help identifying with this boat, resting after some hard wrestlings with the sea. Queer, isn't it? She had to come up on land to rest, and I chose to plunge into water! I have named this picture 'Leisure'. Look at it and feel the mood of soothing relaxation creeping up your toes. Only if you have worked really hard to earn it, you would know what leisure means. As this boat seems to know!
I really like the way the boat tilts as it rests on sand. It distinctly shows a lack of purpose, which is often demonstrated by an upright posture as if one is marching purposefully through life.
A quick question: which thing from the Bengali must-do list did you do at taalsaari? You can tell us. We won't tell anybody.
And can you PLEASE switch this infernal word verification off? Have some mercy on people with poor eyesight!
Oh i did many unmentionable stuff. but believe it or not, i was innovative.
and i don't know how to switch that 'infernal thing' off. i also accept it as an unavoidable annoyance. any remedy at u'r disposal, comrade?
Check check
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